two stage vs single stage air compressor

Variances of Two vs. Single Stage Compressor

When it comes to convenience and safety, the strategist business-runners never delay in including an air-compressor to their stellar stock. Well, surely considering the ample availability of air as a resource and its cheapness – compared to that scarcity of electricity, no doubt it’s a tech-savvy choice! A recent estimation stated that nearly 70% of manufacturers use the compressed air system while dealing with machine tools, spray painting, separation equipment, automobile works, inflating tires, and as always material handling.

The confusion these entrepreneurs faced at first was when it came to buying the right compressor! Among the centrifugal, axial, rotary, and a couple more such compressors, the majority chose – RECIPROCATING compressors – due to their quality of positive displacement and diaphragm. Based on the difference in the compression system, reciprocating compressors later got classified into two kinds: one-stage compressors and two-stage compressors.

Our choices have got quite sorted out now with only two remaining! To know which one takes over the round in this single-stage vs. dual-stage mechanical encounter – keep your eyes hooked below, along with finding out all the tiny differences.

All You Need to Know about One-Stage Air Compressor

The single-stage compressor is often popularly known as the ‘piston compressor’. Identification of a one-stage compressor is the air gets compressed here only ONCE, justifying its name! Between the inlet valve and tool nozzle, this machine compresses the air just one time, before storing it. The 1-stage compressor functions on the basis of Positive Displacement theory. In this system air is forced into a chamber, followingly its volume is decreased so that the air can be compressed. After the maximum pressure has been achieved, a port or valve gets opened and then, the compression chamber discharges air into the outlet system.Pancake Air Compressors

First, the rotor spins so that the piston is forced to move up and down. Second, while the piston is down, the valve gets opened and thus, the air gets forced into the chamber. Third, again while the piston is up, the air gets thrust into the output chamber. And finally, the air is forced through the output chamber being compressed not more than once.

Being more affordable, the single-stage compressor gets just fit for an independent craftsman’s treasured collection.

All You Need to Know about Two-Stage Air Compressor

A two-stage compressor or, dual-stage compressor follows the same positive displacement theory as a one-stage compressor, only with a slight variation. There are two pistons in a 2-stage compressor and, the air gets compressed TWICE! It converts the power into potential energy which is reserved in that compressed air resource. Contrasting to the 1-stage compressor, in this system on either side of a piston, rests two compression chambers. The continuous flow of water streaming through the engine ensures the cooling system.oilless air compressor

First, the rotor gets spun so that both pistons can be operated simultaneously. Second, air resource is pulled by a larger piston, followingly the L. piston pushes it towards an intercooler. Third, this intercooler uses the previously mentioned water-cooling system to de-heat the air. Fourth, the cooled air is sent to a smaller piston. Fifth, the smaller piston pulls a bulk volume of air so that it can be compressed again within a small space. Sixth, after the air has been pressurized twice, it is then forced out through the outlet system.

As the dual-stage compressor converts higher air power, it’s costlier and preferable for greater-scale commercial applications.

Comparative Analysis: Single-Stage vs. Dual-Stage Air Compressor

The most notable difference between one-stage and two-stage compressors is the number of how many times air gets pressurized or compressed, in mid of its pathway from the inlet valve to the tool nozzle.

To get rid of the hovering questions on your mind, let’s have a quick glance at a few more differences pointed out by the _____ Research Team!

Issue of Differentiation 1-Stage Air Compressor 2-Stage Air Compressor
1. Number of Cylinder The compression process uses only one cylinder. In a series, more than one cylinder is connected.
2. Size of Cylinder Much larger in comparison. Much smaller in comparison.
3. Amount of Pressure Applicable in a low-pressure ratio. Applicable in a very high-pressure ratio.
4. Volumetric Efficiency Due to the low-pressure ratio, volumetric efficiency is low. Due to the high-pressure ratio, volumetric efficiency is high.
5. Cooling System There is no existence of an intercooler. An efficient intercooler reduces thermal stress through water-stream.
6. Lubrication System The higher temperature burns lubricating oil. The lower temperature accelerates faster lubrication.
7. Leakage Loss The probability of leakage loss tends to be higher. The probability of leakage loss tends to be lower.
8. Size of Flywheel A larger flywheel is required. A lighter flywheel is required.

Principal Features of the Reciprocating Compressors

As mentioned earlier, reciprocating compressors are the most popular and mainly of two types: one-stage and dual-stage. For sure, there are some identifying criteria that will stand out two among the crowd of hundreds.

Single-Stage Air Compressor

  • Smaller in size and light-weighted
  • Through 5 Horse Power (HP) range- falls into the fraction
  • Compression takes place one time
  • Air is compressed at approximately 120 PSI
  • Generates higher noise
  • Operating efficiency is about 22-24 kW/100 CFM
  • Requires simple maintenance procedure

Two-Stage Air Compressor

  • Larger in size and capable of heavy-load
  • Through 5 to 30 Horse Power (HP) range-falls into the fraction
  • Compression takes place two time
  • Air is compressed on the second stroke at approximately 175 PSI
  • Generates higher vibration
  • Operating efficiency is about 15-16 kW/100 CFM
  • Requires routine maintenance procedure

Which is better single-stage or two-stage air compressor?

Well, there is no concrete answer to that! In this one-stage vs. two-stage air compressor action, the winner will solely depend on your purpose of use.

If you’re an individual tradesperson and looking for framing, roofing, sheathing, or trim work, then a single-stage air compressor may be the appropriate choice for you. Its lower cost and less weight will take care of various pneumatic tools within 120 PSI and also fit just right in your home or, kitchen. That makes one-stage air compressors a private project favorite.

On the other way around, if you’re a businessperson and require a bulk amount of air to be compressed within a short brief period, then the dual-stage air compressors should be perfect for you! They exhibit more efficiency, cool down faster, and meet your demand of producing higher air power. This is precisely the reason why, two-stage air compressors have always been considered the ultimate selection for workshops, factories, and large-scale constructions.